About FK Sahar

About FK Sahar

About FK Sahar
Fanavaran Kooshaye Sahar is a type A knowledge based manufacturer company and one of the leading EPC contractor and system integrator organization who handles considerable amount offshore and onshore projects in the field of Oil and Gas, Transportation, etc industries.

FK Sahar Vision

FK Sahar Vision
Fk Sahar vision is to be one of the most reliable and successful holding in all the different divisions it has. We always keep in mind that our reliability is always tied up with our clients' and partners' satisfaction.

FK Sahar Mission

FK Sahar Mission
FK Sahar mission is positioned to align with our clients' values — not just written as something FK Sahar believes. Our Values is all about the connection, making a good reputation and grow.

History of FK Sahar

History of FK Sahar
FK Sahar has established in the year 2011. Since the very first day of FK Sahar company existence, development and expansion was the main goal of the company. Today FK Sahar is consisting of many different active divisions such as: Production unit, Telecom, Instrumentation, IT, Infrastructure, and R&D.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001
ISO 14001 Certificate Number 1652220123 valid thru 2026

ISO 45001

ISO 45001
ISO 45001 Certificate Number OSHMS1652220123 valid thru 2026

ISO 9001

ISO 9001
ISO 9001 Certificate Number QMS1652220123 valid thru 2026

HSE Certificate

HSE Certificate
Health Safety Environment Certificated Number HSE1652220123 valid thru 2026
Our Products
VHF, UHF, DMR, Airband, and Marine Portable Radio
We have wide range of brands in the VHF, UHF, and Marine portable radio and accessories. Here are some of the brands:

CCTV and Accessories
We have sold and utilized many of the very high-end CCTV brands in the world and here are the some of the items in which we offer the most:

Navigation Aids Systems
These Navigation Aids products are being used mainly in offshore projects and we have sold and installed manly these below-mentioned brands:

We have worked on many different brands on the PAGA products and here are the brands in which we have dealt the most:

We have worked on many different brands on the PABX products and here are the brands in which we have dealt the most:

Radio Microwave
We have many Radio Microwave link projects and we have dealt mainly under the following world well-known brands:

Our Projects & Sevices
Some of the projects:

Pie Progress of the Projects
This item will be updated quarterly
Why FK Sahar
for your EPC projects?
We are always seeking our clients' satisfaction and contentment in the end of any projects hand over. This value has made a big difference in our way. Being able to offer the most competitive prices and highest possible quality in every single project made any principle company to choose us without any hesitation. This is the main reason behind the fact that we have the most offshore and onshore projects portfolio on hand. The good thing is that for every single project we have in our history we have been granted with the satisfaction letters from the project owners and end users. Today FK Sahar has completed for more than of 50 projects in both offshore and onshore and this is the reason every principle companies and end users trust on how carefully we handle their need in the field. In the left side there is a table that on which we list some of the projects.
Find Us
No 6, 10th St. North Amirabad,
Tehran Iran
09:00 - 18:00
For any further information and questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us with filling the contact form.